June 29, 2009

Family Vacation

Well, we have finally decided to take a vacation! Thanks to American Express and the points we had accumulated with all the purchases put on the card :) they paid for our hotel room and the tickets to Legoland!  No vacation is better than a FREE vacation!  We took the boys to see the beach last night and they were on Cloud 9!  It was so cute!  One thing I wish: I wish I could relax more and not worry so much about all the sand everywhere!  Like in our hair, down our shorts, up our...well, we won't go there!  But we are all having fun.  I will attach pics later!  Love to everyone!


Summertime Designs said...

Way to rack up the points on the credit card! That makes it so worth it to know you had to spend the money anyways on other stuff, and to get a family vacation out of it is priceless! I am loving the sand...it does get EVERYWHERE! I can picture your boys loving the beach. Keep having fun!

Geoffrey and Ellee Pettit said...

Hey you! havent update for a whole year! let us know what's going on.